We are a group of business people who share a gestalt psychotherapeutic background and a burning curiosity for the nature of leadership.
What makes a leader qualified? Is it who she is or what she does?
We believe in the holistic approach to leadership focusing at both strategic and relational competencies. That people who are united in an idea can accomplish great things where the whole is greater than the sum of the elements.
We have a background in leadership, education, psychology, corporate communication, information technology, mindfulness, coaching and trading, all based in the holistic approach as a common field of interest.
“Before you can lead others, you must know yourself”.
It is known knowledge. The difference is, however, that at Gestalt Executive it is not about skills, knowledge or tools. It’s about the leader herself. About attitudes, authenticity, relationships and creating meaning.
Kirkegaard also said: “To see yourself in the mirror, you have to stand still for a moment”.
And that is exactly the idea behind Gestalt Executive. That we look at ourselves in a human, existential perspective, and that by taking advantage of the many opportunities for exploring what it is that is going on right now, we can arrive at insights regarding our own personality and nature.
How do I cope with being myself – in the relationships I enter into? Our training, courses and workshops offer exactly this approach. And it is our belief that it can also help you become a better leader, more authentic in your relationships and with better results – both financial and human. Without losing yourself along the way.
“The most important leadership tool – is the leader herself”.
In our optics, there are no clever tricks or quick shortcuts. The objective is to go the way. That is, exploring the relationships between ourselves and others and examining the correspondence between who we are and who we choose to be in our relationships.
We believe that with an awareness of relationships and behavior patterns, it is possible to translate the insights gained into concretely changed leadership behavior. To a behavior that creates loyalty, support, productivity and job satisfaction – while the leader experiences his job as meaningful and crucial, and in accordance with inner values and attitudes.
This is the path we take ourselves – and we invite you to come along.